Managing Lower Back Pain Without Surgery
Do you suffer from chronic ow back pain. Have you had back pain that comes and goes. Here are your best non-surgical options.
Do you suffer from chronic ow back pain. Have you had back pain that comes and goes. Here are your best non-surgical options.
Have you been thinking about getting a steroid (aka cortisone or corticosteroid) injection for your joint pain? Check out this article to find out more about it.
Do you suffer from chronic joint pain or osteoarthritis. Stem Cells are an experimental treatment that may help. Check out this article to learn more.
Are you concerned that you may be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Find out what it is and what are your options for treating it.
Have your thougth about getting Platelet-Rich Plasma injections (PRP). Check out our latest article to learn how it might help you.
Can platelet-rich plasma (PRP) help with pain? Absolutely. Your body is designed to heal itself. When you get sick, your immune system goes into defense
Millions of Americans suffer from knee pain due to arthritis. Here are the best options available to you right now.
I’ve been very fortunate throughout my medical career to be able to work with some of the premier athletes of our time. Treating these professional
Note: Our office regularly treats professional athletes, as well as artists in film, television, and music. For direct appointments or discretion please email Fguevara@advancedrejuv.com
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